Book An Appointment(65) 6344 6345

We employ a range of exercise and movement strategies to maintain and improve levels of functional independence, thereby improving patients’ quality of life. The exercises assist in maximizing muscle strength and joint flexibility.

Where possible, we also help to improve and correct abnormal movement patterns and posture to maintain balance and minimize risks of falls. Part of the treatment programme also entails maintaining a good breathing pattern.

New approach such as Lee Silverman Voice Technique (LSVT) focuses on exercises with larger amplitude, and movement pattern such as gait training with larger strides while external cues are maintained.  

Exercises that require the patients to move considerably faster than normal physical speed has shown to reduce rigidity and improves motor functions. This type of exercise is known as Forced Exercises (FE), for example, fast cycling on stationary bikes and boxing, which are able to improve the quality of life for Parkinson’s patients.

Finally, we also believe in education of the patients and their care-giver or family members.

