This article outlines the new approach club golfers are taking by using “golf specific” physiotherapists, doctors and strength conditioners to analyse and diagnose their physical weaknesses. Specialists are prescribing golf-specific exercises to improve golfer’s—of all ages—body biomechanics for their golf swing and improve consistency over 18 holes. Even more importantly work currently being done will almost certainly prolong your playing c a re e r, well into retirement.
To outline these important factors Australian GOLF Magazine resident physio Ramsay McMaster has interviewed five diff e rent types of golfers who we hope you may be able to relate. With their permission, each has been candid in outlining their physical weaknesses, past injuries and how they are alleviating these pro b l e m s t h rough physiotherapy and golf-specific exercises . And now that we’ve got your body covered, we thought we’d spend some time with your mind. On the bottom t h i rd of each page you’ll find our latest tips to help you survive the stressful nature of the game.
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